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ASG highlights jet 'pessimism' in Asia-Pacific
Asian Sky Group says that both the fixed wing and helicopter markets faced turmoil in 2018, especially in greater China, but adds that interest has been shown in medium and super medium rotary models of late.
Read this story in our March 2019 printed issue.

Hong Kong business aviation consulting firm Asian Sky Group (ASG) has released its 2018 Q4 edition of Asian Sky Quarterly. Asian Sky Quarterly offers regular insights on the Asia Pacific business jet and civil helicopter markets, and the latest edition focuses on the pre-owned helicopter market.

“Like the business jet market, the rotary market faced turmoil in 2018,” says ASG MD Jeffrey Lowe. “There was major restructuring from a notable leasing company, the ongoing after-effects of the oil and gas downturn and a market oversupply. While demand for single-engine and light twin-engine helicopters has been consistently stable in the utility and corporate segments, it has not been the case for heavy helicopters and for the majority of medium-sized models. However, amid what looks like a recent recovery trend and possibly as part of new price point stabilisation, the market is showing increased interest in certain medium and super-medium helicopters.

“On the business jet side, the Asia Pacific market continues to be pessimistic, particularly in greater China. There is widespread uncertainty across the region which is evident when you flip through this issue of Asian Sky Quarterly, with aircraft utilisation and purchase intentions down, and a lot of ‘I'm not sure’ overall. We saw mostly an outflow of aircraft from greater China and into the US and Canadian markets.”