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Wheel and brake experts launch corporate aviation service
World Aero's team regularly works weekends and turns jobs around while the customer's courier has a coffee. Now it has formally launched specialist MRO services for wheels and brakes on larger business jets.
World Aero's EASA, FAA and TCCA approved facility is located close to the major London business airports at Biggin Hill, Farnborough and Luton.

Aircraft wheel and brake MRO World Aero has launched wheel and brake MRO and supply solutions dedicated to the needs of corporate aviation, especially large corporate jets, such as A320s and upwards or private family fleets.

Phil Randell, World Aero CEO, was at the MEBAA show in Dubai to showcase his company's service. “We find that owner/operators, pilots and even specialist corporate jet repair facilities think that what they want is unavailable. But World Aero understands the demands of the corporate environment where time is not only a precious commodity, but high net worth individuals and senior executives are not accustomed to waiting for anything. Wheels and brakes may not be the most glamorous parts of a corporate jet, but they are essential to safe and timely flights. Our dedicated service removes the pain from dealing with wheel and brake repairs for corporate aircraft of all sizes, and we do it fast, without fuss. Everything we do is focused on providing a reliable and dependable solution from VLJs up to B747-8.”

World Aero's facility is EASA, FAA and TCCA approved, located close to London and the major business airports at Biggin Hill, Farnborough and Luton. The whole of the UK is covered and, through its global logistics network, the wider world.

“We frequently get wheels and brakes sent to us by organisations with a special requirement that is often urgent. We're geared up to fit with their operational needs and give them breathing space to get the aircraft ready and keep to their departure schedules. One OEM recently sent in all the brakes from one of its Global Express aircraft for an urgent repair and we had them back and ready to fit within 24 hours. Another globally respected MRO based in Switzerland was stumped by a complex urgent wheel overhaul and, through the OEM's recommendation, came to World Aero for a deeper level of work knowing we would return it to suit its customer's schedule.

“Service while you wait? Why not? Our team regularly works weekends and turns jobs around while the customer's courier has a coffee.”

The most important differentiator for World Aero's corporate service, it says, is the ability to offer a long-term solution for operators and owners of vip aircraft, rather than a reactionary service.

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