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Cessna Caravan

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Air Serv relocates Caravan to aid DRC crisis
Ugandan operator Air Serv has deployed a Cessna Caravan to Kananga in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) as part of a programme in support of humanitarian organisations working in the region.
Read this story in our September 2017 printed issue.

Ugandan operator Air Serv has deployed a Cessna Caravan to Kananga in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) as part of a programme in support of humanitarian organisations working in the region. The first passenger flight took place on 10 July.

Kananga is located in the southwestern province of Kasai-Central and has recently been plagued by an outbreak of violence and unrest. According to Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), it is now experiencing one of the most serious humanitarian crises in the world.

“We have a 20-year history serving the people of DRC,” says Air Serv CEO Stu Willcuts. “As long as the need exists, we will continue fulfilling the mission of providing logistical support for humanitarian programmes here and all around the world.”

Following the conclusion of operations in Bunia, DRC, where Air Serv had worked alongside MSF, Kananga will form just one of four missions in the country. The Bunia service had been operational since July 2013. “In most industries, the closure of a scheme is considered negative,” adds Willcuts, “but in the humanitarian sector, it is regarded as a success. When our services are no longer needed to address a crisis, we have done our jobs.”

Flying a fleet of seven Caravans, the operator provides 'last mile' air transportation to aid organisations, along with commercial air charter and aircraft maintenance services.