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MNG Jet boosts maintenance and management
Turkish operator MNG Jet has obtained General Authority of Civil Aviation maintenance repair station approval and is reaping the rewards of adding NDT, wheel and battery shops to its capability last year.
Read this story in our May 2017 printed issue.

Turkish operator MNG Jet has obtained General Authority of Civil Aviation maintenance repair station approval and is reaping the rewards of adding NDT, wheel and battery shops to its capability last year. General manager Ugur Kalkan is looking to bring in more BBJs for maintenance and has an eye on Africa and the Middle East. “Our presence in these regions is proving to be a good option for customers, many of whom are tired of extortionate bills.”

He also plans to add another BBJ and a Challenger 605 to MNG Jet's own fleet this year, and says that the Turkish market is stable. “We expect it to rise by five per cent this year,” he concludes.