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Centreline removes US visa barrier
UK operator Centreline has been cleared to carry non-US nationals to the USA without a visa after securing its participation in the Visa Waiver Program (VWP).
Read this story in our February 2017 printed issue.

UK operator Centreline has been cleared to carry non-US nationals to the USA without a visa after securing its participation in the Visa Waiver Program (VWP).

The company completed its first flight under the VWP at the beginning of January as a signatory carrier. American customs and border law states that passengers travelling to the USA must travel on a signatory carrier if they do not hold a valid US visa, even if they have their Electronic Systems for Travel Authorisation.

Says commercial director Phil Brockwell: “We have worked hard to ensure our participation in the VWP as it removes a key barrier to travel for our passengers. We have two superb, long range aircraft in our Falcon 2000 and Legacy 500 and these will be utilised to fly our customers to the US in the utmost comfort. We are looking forward to welcoming more US bound passengers on board.”

Centreline, previously known as Centreline Air Charter, recently undertook a total brand review and revamped its corporate identity and website. It currently operates nine aircraft under management.