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OHS completes 15th vip Global Express refurbishment
OHS Aviation Services, headquartered in Berlin Schoenefeld, has just completed its 15th full vip refurbishment on a Bombardier Global cabin, for an undisclosed private customer.

OHS Aviation Services, headquartered in Berlin Schoenefeld, has just completed its 15th full vip refurbishment on a Bombardier Global cabin, for an undisclosed private customer. "We are proud to have successfully performed another high quality cabin refurbishment in-house in less than eight weeks," says CEO Ornulf Hilarius. "None of the interior items were completed with standard materials, so we are thankful to all our suppliers, the designer, customer representatives and of course to all our craftsmen for a smooth and on-time project."

The cabin design was created by Tim Callies for ArcosJet Design with the aim of bringing an exclusive, modern and inviting touch to the old cabin, using a combination of dark chocolate brown, cream and hints of green.

The refurbishment included an updated seat design, seat belts, new carpet, counter tops, divan re-covering, wood veneer rework, fresh sidewall and ceiling coverings, engineering as well as individual accessories such as monogrammed towels and pillows from Dedar and Hermes.

"We are very happy with the quality of the refurbishment. We received exactly what we expected," a spokesperson said on behalf of the customer.