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Inaer entrusted with Bell 412 for Spanish island ops
Inaer Spain has been presented with a Bell 412 helicopter by the 061 Emergency Services, which it will operate on the islands of Ibiza and Formentera.
Read this story in our August 2014 printed issue.

Inaer Spain has been presented with a Bell 412 helicopter by the 061 Emergency Services, which it will operate on the islands of Ibiza and Formentera. The aircraft performed an unusual landing in the courtyard in front of the main entrance of Can Misses Hospital to mark the delivery.

“It is the largest helicopter we have,” explains Angel Manuel Crespo, head of 061 in Ibiza and Formentera. “Previously we had an Agusta A109 Power, which was a great model, but because of the type of operations we do it was still quite small.

“The health service for the Balearic Islands IB Salut and 061 have worked very hard to obtain a more suited helicopter, especially as it has a greater flying range and can reach Palma without refuelling, which happened on previous missions. We will also be able to provide a better service to patients onboard, and we might even be able to carry more than one patient at a time.”

In addition to the Bell 412, 061 has been using two 'basic' life support ambulances, one for night time missions in Ibiza, and one for daytime missions in Sant Joan.