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GB Helicopters

Eurocopter AS355

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GB Helicopters experiences the benefits of UK-wide rebranding
It has been an encouraging year so far for recently rebranded GB Helicopters, a trading name for AOC holder VLL Ltd. Accountable manager and chief pilot Will Banks explains: “We have had a large increase in utility work, companies trust our brand and our ability to deliver.”
Read this story in our June 2014 printed issue.

It has been an encouraging year so far for recently rebranded GB Helicopters, a trading name for AOC holder VLL Ltd. Accountable manager and chief pilot Will Banks explains: “We have had a large increase in utility work, companies trust our brand and our ability to deliver.” The company recently purchased an additional AS355N and Banks says that it is performing superbly.

GB has also invested of late in a four-in-one utility camera with hd capabilities and 'unparalleled' performance. “We hope it will be an additional support to further our expansion in the utility sector,” he continues.

The name of the business was altered from Cheshire Helicopters because Banks and his team did not wish to be perceived as an operator restricted to the north of England. There are five AS355s in the fleet, plus an EC135, an A109SP and an AS350, all of which carry out vip charter, utility and aerial filming.

Banks reveals that he is looking to acquire another AS355N or NP before the year is out.

“Our plans are to continue to grow our business by expanding our utility contracts and charter clients,” he concludes.