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ICAO helps operators prepare for volcanic ash
ICAO has hosted Volcex 11/01, a two-day exercise in April designed to simulate the effects on ATC of the eruption of the Grimsvötn volcano in Iceland.

ICAO has hosted Volcex 11/01, a two-day exercise in April designed to simulate the effects on ATC of the eruption of the Grimsvötn volcano in Iceland.

Around seventy airlines took part, including a number of business aviation operators, as well as navigation services, aviation authorities and the Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre London (VAAC).

Commenting on the exercise, NetJets Europe said: "It was a beneficial exercise for NetJets Europe to take part in. It simulated a real life volcanic ash incident which should assist aviation operators in being more prepared to react to a potential volcanic ash incident in the future. The new, centralised flight plan system from Eurocontrol should also develop the way in which the industry can monitor the movements of volcanic ash and, where possible, plan flight routes around the ash cloud to maintain as close to normal flight operations as possible."