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Aircraft Performance Group   (U.S.A.)

For over 20 years, aircraft operators worldwide have turned to Aircraft Performance Group (APG) for accurate, up-to-the-minute performance data for flight planning, runway analysis and weight & balance.

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News from Business Air News
APG launches GPS anomaly detection app
February 12, 2024
NaviGuard can safeguard commercial and business flight operators from spoofing threats. The app detects abnormal GPS readings on iPads and verifies GPS data using radio navigation.
CAE and APG elevate performance and runway analysis training
October 27, 2023
CAE instructor pilots will gain insight into runway analysis and mastery of SID/EOP coordination. The course demystifies landing factors, TALPA, the Global Reporting Format, dispatch landing factors and LDTA calcs.
Universal Avionics extends connected FMS with APG package
October 23, 2023
Pilots can establish accurate weight and balance, take off and landing performance; ensure LDTA compliance; and support Alternate and Emergency/EO return calculations.
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