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Pratt & Whitney Canada JT15D-5D

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News from Business Air News
StandardAero marks big numbers in engine maintenance
October 30, 2023
StandardAero has performed its 1,500th engine shop visit for Pinnacle Air Network and is celebrating the 7,500th Rolls-Royce AE family shop visit at its Maryland facility.
Brazil's TAM gains Garmin global award
August 25, 2023
StandardAero expands support services for EMEA-based ops
May 30, 2022
Jet Aviation sets out its stall to serve P&W clients
November 19, 2021
EIC operators plump for StandardAero engine support
June 26, 2021
StandardAero will support EIC's air operators from its location in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada, which is a OEM-authorised PW100 designated overhaul facility and an OEM-authorised PT6A facility.
PWC calls on South Pole to offset members' carbon
December 7, 2020
June 15, 2020P&W branches out in Europe and the Americas
October 22, 2019StandardAero extends P&W support to CATS
August 8, 2018Stratos responds to feedback and evolves 714 to 716
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