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Roskilde Airport   (Copenhagen, Denmark)

Airport data
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  • IATA Code:   ●●●
  • ICAO Code:   ●●●●
  • Latitude:   ●●●●●●N
  • Longitude:   ●●●●●●●W
  • Time:   ●●●●●
  • Runway:   ●●●●●●●●●●
  • Elevation:   ●●●ft
  • RFF/ARFF:   ●●●●●●●●●●
  • De-ice:   ●●●
  • Fuel availability:   ●●●●●●●●●
  • Hours of operation:   ●●●●●●●●●●
  • Customs:    ●●●●●●●●●●
  • Immigration:    ●●●●●●●●●●
  • ATC Tel:   ●●●●●●●●●●
  • ATC Fax:   ●●●●●●●●●●

See map
Nearest other airports: Kastrup 18nm ; Kalundborg 31nm ; Enoch Thulins 33nm ; Sturup 42nm ; Ljungbyhed 47nm ; Angelholm Helsingborg 49nm

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Roskilde Executive Handling (FBO)
Since 2003 Roskilde Executive Handling, winner of the 2015 EBAN Readers' FBO Survey, has successfully provided dedicated full service handling to FBO customers at Copenhagen - Roskilde Airport. The FBO includes VIP and crew lounges, where passengers and crew can meet and relax in a homely atmosphere of Scandinavian designed surroundings.

Our office and lounge areas are located in the main terminal within direct reach of the apron, meaning that you need no more than a couple of minutes from parking outside the terminal to boarding the aircraft. It is only a 30 minutes drive to Copenhagen city.

We know the importance of making crew and passengers feel at home. We deliver an efficient ground handling service where customers can choose a fast turnaround, or set their own pace.

Copenhagen - Roskilde Airport: Your shortcut to Copenhagen.

●●●●●●●●●● (FBO) ●●●●●●●●●●
Charter operators Check out our
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Maintenance providers
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Completions centres

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Ground Transport
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Aircraft catering
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Aircraft cleaning
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Nearby hotels
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  • Fax:   ●●●●●●●●●●
    • Email:   ●●●●●●●●●●
    • Web:   ●●●●●●●●●●
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Nearby events

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News from Business Air News
FBO Survey: Roskilde adds value to clients through dedication to processes
February 8, 2019
Located near Copenhagen, Roskilde Executive Handling has hit on a winning formula for business aviation handling. By meeting customers 'at eye level' and foreseeing needs before they arise, they receive top votes.
JetHost hosts first jet in Copenhagen
August 7, 2018
Aircraft at Roskilde airport can now be booked into the lap of luxury, with underfloor heating, courtesy of a new hangarage option. Copenhagen can be quite cold, so it is sure to be popular.
Copenhagen AirTaxi harnesses the appeal of the SET
April 5, 2018
Charter passengers are getting used to the idea of their aircraft having only one engine. This is borne out by the experience of Copenhagen AirTaxi whose Roskilde-based Pilatus PC-12s are picking up business from traditional jet alternatives.
Silver for Roskilde highlights strength of friendly Scandinavian service
February 6, 2014
February 11, 2013Friendly atmosphere puts Roskilde in seventh heaven
August 3, 2011LEA flies heavy metal around Europe
Press Releases

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