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Type rating training worldwide

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3 records found: Latvia

Company Telephone
AirBaltic Training +371 6766 8512
GM Helicopters +371 6506 8350
SmartLynx ATO +371 6720 7392

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Related service & supplier categories

Providers of training services covering safety, first aid, etiquette and food hygiene for flight attendants and cabin crew.
Providers of training services for ground based staff.
Specialist Part 147 approved schools, academies and other organisations involved in the provision of technical training courses for mechanics, engineers, technicians and other maintenance personnel.
Flight schools, academies and other providers of training services for pilots and cockpit personnel. More detailed listings of authorised training organisations (ATOs) with type ratings for business aircraft can be found by returning to the section home page and using the above search engine.
Manufacturers and suppliers of flight simulators and other flight training devices.