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Helicopter Flight Training Center   (U.S.A.)

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Maintenance Training
Pilot Training
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News from Business Air News
Metro Aviation celebrates 40 years
March 17, 2022
Born in 1982 as a helicopter charter, training and maintenance operation, Metro Aviation is the largest traditional airmed operator and completion centre in the world, operating 155 aircraft for 39 US programmes.
EC145es are a great fit for HEMS in Quebec
June 24, 2019
Metro Aviation has been training Airmedic pilots and instructors on its flight simulator. Once the staff are up to speed, Airmedic will be ready to put its trio of new EC145e rotorcraft to EMS use in eastern Canada.
FlightSafety and Metro hail long-term partnership
March 11, 2019
For the past five years, Metro Aviation and FlightSafety International have worked together to deliver single and multi engine helicopter training. FlightSafety is also expanding the scope of its tuition in Denver, Colorado.
October 30, 2018Airmedic to receive three EC145e from Metro Aviation
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