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Charter Operator
Air Independence   (Germany)

Charter bases and aircraft
Dubai (Al Maktoum International) 1 x Bombardier Challenger 604 (Challenger 604) - Passenger (10 pax); Freight; Police; Air Ambulance/Medevac
London (Luton) 1 x Bombardier Challenger 604 (Challenger 604) - Passenger (10 pax); Freight; Police; Air Ambulance/Medevac
Munich (Oberpfaffenhofen) 1 x Bombardier Challenger 604 (Challenger 604) - Passenger (10 pax); Freight; Police; Air Ambulance/Medevac
1 x Bombardier Challenger 650 (Challenger 605) - Passenger (12 pax)
2 x Pilatus PC-12/47E NG (Pilatus PC-12) - Passenger (6 pax); Freight; Air Ambulance/Medevac
Zurich 1 x Bombardier Challenger 604 (Challenger 604) - Passenger (12 pax); Freight; Air Ambulance/Medevac
  • AOC/Part 135: D-100 AOC / A-124
  • Wyvern Certified: No
  • ARGUS Rating: No
  • ACSF IAS: No
  • IS-BAO: No
Company data
News from Business Air News
Air Independence solves availability concerns with CL650
December 17, 2018
There's only one way to guarantee jet availability when you have been sharing with others, and that is to buy your own outright. Air Independence had a client do just that, with help to identify the most suitable model.
Me and My Aircraft–Twin turboprops: The turboprop faithful sing the praises of rugged workhorses everywhere
June 11, 2013
The business twin turboprop marketplace is one which Beechcraft has had sown up since business aviation was a boy in 1964, with its ubiquitous King Air line-up.
Me & my aircraft – Midsize jets: Long-legged Latitude and Legacy 500 will breathe life into the midsize sector
March 11, 2013
The midsize jet sector is in a state of transition, with the most aged models nearing extinction and thoroughly modern new types about to enter service. Some of the earliest purpose-built business jets fell in this category, and there are some of these 1960s designs still flying today.
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