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Lilium GmbH

Lilium Jet

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Lilium to expand industrial footprint with high-volume facilities in France
Lilium is keen to leverage France’s unique aerospace heritage and vast supplier base in aerospace and electrification to expand its high-volume production capacity of the Lilium Jet.
Lilium Jet production is expected to boost French export volumes as the vast majority of produced Jets would serve other countries.

Lilium has confirmed that it is in advanced discussions with the French government on plans to expand its high-volume production capacity with an industrial footprint in France and on potential government subsidies and loan guarantees.

Lilium is currently evaluating several possible sites, including in the aerospace and battery production hotbeds of Nouvelle Aquitaine, to expand its industrial footprint, with discussions expected to reach conclusion in the coming weeks. Among the many reasons to choose France, Lilium is attracted by its well-established aerospace industry, expertise in electric mobility, highly skilled workforce and supportive government environment. With an estimated total future investment of up to $433m (euros 400m) over several years, Lilium would have the potential to create up to 850 new direct jobs with this expansion of its industrial footprint.

Initial production of the Lilium Jet began in 2023 in Munich, Germany. With entry into service planned for 2026, Lilium is preparing for larger scale production to meet expected global market demand. The OEM has an order pipeline consisting of over 780 units including binding orders and MoU agreements from operators in the US, South America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. According to estimates by Morgan Stanley as of 2021, the global eVTOL market could be worth $1 trillion in global revenues by 2040. The planned new high-volume production facilities in France will serve the global market.

Founded in 2015, Lilium is the only manufacturer worldwide with a certification basis for eVTOL aircraft in both Europe and the United States.

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