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VoltAero Cassio

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Janus Label of Excellence goes to VoltAero Cassio family
VoltAero's Cassio electric-hybrid aircraft family receives the Janus Label of Excellence from the French Institute of Design.
The award recognises the Cassio's aerodynamic fuselage, forward fixed canard and aft-set wing supporting a high-set horizontal tail.

VoltAero's clean-sheet design for its family of Cassio electric-hybrid aircraft has been recognised with the 2023 Janus Label of Excellence from the prestigious l'Institut Français du Design.

In awarding this Label of Excellence, the Institut highlighted VoltAero's airframe configuration, with its sleek, aerodynamically-optimised fuselage, forward fixed canard and aft-set wing with twin booms that support a high-set horizontal tail. By integrating VoltAero's patented electric-hybrid propulsion system into this purpose-designed airframe, the Cassio aircraft family will deliver an order of magnitude higher performance as compared to the current competition and provide significantly lower operational costs.

In selecting Cassio for its 2023 Janus Label of Excellence, the Institut Français du Design also recognised the work of Dassault Systèmes' DesignStudio in visualising VoltAero's concept through immersive virtual modelling, underscoring the aircraft's eco-responsible ambition, along with its modular, comfortable and ergonomic use.

“The Janus Label of Excellence has become a benchmark for designs that represent sustainability through creativity,” says VoltAero CEO and CTO Jean Botti. “Cassio's selection reflects our goal to develop a truly unique general aviation family of aircraft with electric-hybrid propulsion as the future for safe, quiet, efficient and eco-friendly flight.”

Cassio will be produced for regional commercial operators, air taxi/charter companies and private owners, as well as in utility-category service for cargo, postal delivery and medical evacuation applications.

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