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Aero Asset reports resilient pricing against a declining backdrop
There were slightly fewer pre-owned transactions in the first half of this year in the US and Europe, but the supply for sale increased. Top of the tables is the A109E Power market.
Aero Asset has produced its 2023 Half Year Heli Market Trends twin engine edition.

The 2023 Half Year Heli Market Trends Report, twin engine edition, by Toronto, Canada-based helicopter trading firm Aero Asset, reports 76 retail transactions of pre-owned helicopters, down 15 per cent compared to the same period in 2022. The dollar volume for both on and off market retail sales fell 11 per cent to $288 million.

“Supply for sale grew 18 per cent year over year to 177 units, and the absorption rate increased to 14 months of supply at current trade levels at the end of June," says VP market research Valerie Pereira.

The light and medium twin engine supply for sale increased 20 per cent YOY. The medium twin engine retail sales volume decreased nearly 45 per cent YOY, while light and heavy retail sales remained stable over the same period.

Light twin average transaction prices remained strong YOY, except in the Bell 429 and EC/H145 markets. In the medium helicopter sector, Sikorsky S76C+/C++ average transaction prices were up $175,000 and $1.3 million respectively YOY. In the heavy sector, Sikorsky S92A pricing was stable YOY, while the Airbus EC/H225 average transaction price increased just north of $1 million YOY.

Overall retail sales volume decreased in North America and Europe in the first half of the year versus 2022 but increased in other regions. Still, North America and Europe accounted for 75 per cent of total transactions in the first half of 2023. The supply for sale increased twice as much in North America than in Europe over same period.

The best performing pre-owned twin engine market in the first half of 2023 was the Leonardo A109E Power, followed by the Bell 429 and the Sikorsky S92A markets. The AW169 is the only twin engine model tracked in Heli Market Trends that saw no retail sales over the first half of 2023.

The full publicly released 2023 Half Year Heli Market Trends, twin engine edition can be downloaded from the Aero Asset website. The report also contains a conversation with Mirika Nakayama, president and CEO of ITC.

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