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Elite ensures it is pick of the bunch after Wyvern success
Wyvern analyses operational activities, operational history, safety records, safety management system, internal evaluation programmes, admin, documentation, pilot and aircraft records, training and maintenance.
Safety at Elite Jets is a core value.

Elite Jets Charter, a Naples, Florida-based private charter company, has secured its designation as a Wyvern Wingman certified operator following a successful audit conducted by Wyvern in December 2022. The Wyvern Wingman standard provides a safety benchmark that allows air charter customers to assess performance expectations against recognised industry best operating practices before purchasing air charter services.

“Being audited and certified by an independent third-party industry leader such as Wyvern validates our commitment to safety throughout the organisation,” comments Elite Jets executive VP Stephen Myers. “Wyvern's certification helps Elite Jets demonstrate its safety culture not only to our members and clients, but also to our preferred partners and vendors.”

“Working with the Elite Jets team of professionals, Wyvern was able to validate that the safety management system in place at Elite Jets not only reflected a Level 2 system maturity, but we were able to understand and appreciate how Elite Jets has made safety a core value and not just a lot of words,” adds Wyvern senior VP of operations Andrew Day.

Wyvern Wingman operators are evaluated by the Wingman Standard criteria. The scope of the evaluation includes an assessment of operational activities, review on the company operational history and safety records, safety management system, internal evaluation programme, administrative compositions, technical documentation, pilot and aircraft records, training requirements and maintenance operations including technician training and experience.

Wyvern celebrates Elite Jets Charter's achievement. Successful completion of the Wingman audit is proof that its leadership has identified safety as a core value and its team embraces excellence at all levels,” concludes Sonnie Bates, Wyvern CEO.

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