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Trio renew Wyvern Wingman certifications
Three more companies have secured their Wyvern Wingman designations - Avemex, Dumont Jets and Florida Wings.

Mexico-based Avemex; Wilmington, Delaware-based Part 135 operator Dumont Jets; and Challenger 605 operator Florida Wings have once more secured their Wyvern Wingman certified operator statuses following successful audits conducted by Wyvern in April, May and June this year respectively. The Wyvern Wingman standard provides a safety benchmark that allows air charter customers to assess performance expectations against recognised industry best operating practices before purchasing air charter services.

“We are so proud to obtain this certification once again, since our main priority as an organisation is to maintain the highest safety standards in our operations,” says Avemex CEO Ing Manuel Girault de Montellano.

“Achieving and maintaining Wyvern Wingman status is a direct reflection of our commitment to safety at Dumont," says accountable executive Ashley Welch. "Safety has been the foundation of our organisation from the start, and we remain dedicated to advancing our safety standards to ensure the safety of our clients and crew members.”

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