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Trio renew Wingman certifications
Three more companies have renewed their Wyvern Wingman certifications, testament to an organisation's culture and commitment to safety.

Manassas, Virginia-based Chantilly Air, an aviation services company providing aircraft maintenance, charter and management, FBO services, and aircraft sales and acquisitions; Kennesaw, Georgia-based part 135 operator FlightWorks; and Fort Lauderdale Executive airport, Florida-based Presidential Aviation have all once more secured the designation of Wyvern Wingman certified operator by maintaining Wingman status through the Flight Leader Programme.

 The Wyvern Wingman standard, the first air charter audit standard in the aviation industry, provides a safety benchmark that allows air charter customers to assess performance expectations against recognised industry best operating practices before purchasing air charter services.

Wyvern Wingman operators are evaluated by the Wingman standard criteria. The scope of the evaluation includes an assessment of operational activities, review on the company's operational history and safety records, safety management system (SMS), internal evaluation programme, administrative compositions, technical documentation, pilot and aircraft records, training requirements, and maintenance operations including technician training and experience.

Wyvern is very happy to declare that Chantilly Air, FlightWorks and Presidential Aviation are Wingman operators. Adhering to the Wingman standard is evidence that the organisation has a culture of excellence that is far above its peers,” says Sonnie Bates, Wyvern CEO.

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