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Airbus has the Aston Martin ad-Vantage
The result of a collaboration between Aston Martin and ACH is still shrouded in secrecy, but the companies promise that all will be revealed in the new year. Will this be a sports car for the skies?

For the past 12 months, designers from Aston Martin Lagonda and Airbus Corporate Helicopters have been working together on the aesthetic styling of a product, they won't say more, that they say brings together the best of automotive and aeronautical design. The big reveal is set for early in Q1 2020 at Courchevel in the French Alps.

Aston Martin Lagonda vice president and chief creative officer Marek Reichman says: “Applying our own automotive design principles in the aerospace world is a fascinating challenge and one that we are very much enjoying. I'm looking forward to the reveal in the New Year so we can show everyone what we have accomplished together.”

Head of Airbus Corporate Helicopters Frédéric Lemos adds: “This is a bold cooperation which corresponds to our tradition of experimenting with new design approaches, the result is a unique creation of breathtaking design accomplishment and beauty.”

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