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Satcom Direct to showcase connectivity on multi-leg flight
What better place to showcase inflight connectivity than onboard the aircraft itself, and SD executives are going global on a GV to give customers a close up and personal in-cabin Xperience.
SD executives are showcasing the power of SD Xperience on a global tour of leading business aviation destinations in a Gulfstream GV.

Satcom Direct is taking its Gulfstream GIV on a circumnavigation of the globe to showcase the power of the new connectivity offering. COO Chris Moore and a team of SD executives will spend just under ten days flying the aircraft into leading business aviation destinations to demonstrate the full SD Xperience in-situ, in-cabin. The fully-synchronised, end-to-end connectivity solution combines the full suite of SD cabin and cockpit communications services, aircraft connectivity hardware and flight operations software to deliver consistent connectivity around the world.

Adding extra power to the portfolio is the newly introduced FlexExec broadband service, for which SD is the master distributor, delivered in partnership with Intelsat and Astronics AeroSat. Business aviation's first dedicated connectivity service will join existing service providers in the SD portfolio to ensure customers benefit from customised, seamless, synchronised and consistent on-demand global connectivity. The SD Data Center enables the application of existing compliance and security protocols for aircraft networks to mitigate cyber-attack and maintain data integrity.

“With the introduction of SD Xperience we demystify the connectivity selection process, simplify the business aviation connectivity experience and improve operational efficiency'“ says Moore. ”By aggregating and integrating our suite of products into one portfolio we've created a powerful means of providing connectivity services around the globe for an increased number of platforms. We anticipate the demonstration flights will give customers even more insight to what business aviation connectivity can do to improve the flight experience and look forward to showcasing it to the international audience.”

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