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StandardAero unveils one of the largest facilities of its kind
StandardAero Component Services now oversees what it says is the largest facility for aerospace and derivative combustor overhauls in North America, thanks to a 30,000 sq ft expansion in Miami.
As SCS grows, so does its skilled team.

StandardAero Component Services (SCS) has completed a 30,000 sq ft expansion of its component repair facility, located in Miami, Florida.

The additional working space and capital improvements included the installation of a modern clean line, an additional vacuum furnace and water jet cleaning capabilities. As a result, StandardAero claims the facility will be the largest provider of aerospace and aerospace-derivative combustor overhauls in North America, and the second largest in the world.

“Since becoming a part of the StandardAero family in 2017, we at Jet Aviation Specialists have enjoyed the support and resources that the company has brought to bear on our Miami operations,” says VP and general manager of the company's Miami facility Diego Beltran. “We are excited for our employees and customers as we bring more and new work into our shop to meet the growing demands in the industry.”

The Miami location expansion complements StandardAero's recent new building expansion at its Cincinnati facility and the company is still proceeding with another 30,000 sq ft expansion at its Hillsboro, Ohio facility, which is expected to be completed by the end of this year.

SCS offers a full range of repair and overhaul capabilities using processes developed and implemented at its facilities. These capabilities include advanced repair technologies, procedural, compliance and quality assurance processes. Some of its major processes include cleaning, NDT and inspection, thermal spray and coating, plating, welding or brazing and heat treatment, painting, stripping and surface prep, manual and CNC machining and composite capabilities.

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