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VistaJet doubles Middle East hours and notes record Q3
VistaJet has seen its flagship Program membership hours in the Middle East double this year, driven by a 50 per cent increase in the number of Program customers in the region.
Read this story in our December 2017 printed issue.

VistaJet has seen its flagship Program membership hours in the Middle East double this year, driven by a 50 per cent increase in the number of Program customers in the region. The company is now approved to operate to and from Saudi Arabia, which accounts for 39 per cent of VistaJet's Middle East clients, and it has visited more than 68 airports in the region.

“We're delighted to announce these results as we continue to provide a valuable proposition for business leaders and an alternative to aircraft ownership,” states founder Thomas Flohr. “With a growing demand for global travel in the Middle East, we foresee a continued increase in our customer base in the region. We strive to deliver an unparalleled service. With our extension to operate in and out of Saudi Arabia, this will further enable business leaders to travel seamlessly throughout the Middle East and to the rest of the world.”

VistaJet is also reporting record Q3 results. Flohr adds: “It is clear that in today's on-demand economy, individuals want the flexibility and cost-effectiveness of our programme. This progress has been made on the back of positive feedback from customers who are continually recommending us to their peers for our service. We are excited to continue building trust and support with customers.”

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