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Md Air bases charter appeal on Islander's STOL capability
The UK's Md Air Ltd has launched its long-planned new charter service based on the Britten Norman Islander after recently gaining its AOC.

The UK's Md Air Ltd has launched its long-planned new charter service based on the Britten Norman Islander after recently gaining its AOC. "We operate the Islander with two professional pilots on every flight," says Nigel Jones-Blackett, md and accountable manager.

He adds: "The BN Islander is renowned for its short take off and landing performance which enable air charter flights into small and sometimes more convenient airports."

Chief pilot Ian Sixsmith says: "The operation focuses on both the leisure and business sector. If required, Md Air will transport the business executive from home or office to the airport as well as provide the flight and onward transport to the final destination.

"However, Md Air also offers leisure day trips to near Europe and UK resorts, transport to sporting events and an air freight service of up to 800kg of non-dangerous goods." Md Air is an approved pilot training organisation, offering courses for CRM, ground school and LPC/OPC. MD Air's Islander will be on display at BGAD10.

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