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Bristow enhances Norway S-92 capabilities
Flightcell DZMx and Guardian Mobility G6 Certus terminal capabilities empower Bristow's pilots and operational teams with the tools needed to respond effectively to emergencies and execute complex missions.

Bristow has selected the Flightcell DZMx and Guardian Mobility G6 Certus 100 terminal for its S-92 search and rescue helicopters operating in Norway.

The Flightcell DZMx is an all-in-one satellite and cellular communications system designed to provide seamless connectivity for aircraft enabling voice, push-to-talk, messaging, advanced tracking and exceedances reporting, and real-time data transmission capabilities.

Bristow will also deploy Guardian Mobility’s G6 Certus 100 terminal, leveraging the Iridium Certus broadband network to deliver global satellite IP data connectivity with low latency and uplink/downlink (transmission) speeds of up to 88kbps.

The Flightcell DZMx, paired with the Guardian Mobility G6 Certus terminal, integrates cellular and satellite communication technologies for onboard devices such as EFBs, PEDs, medical devices, mission PCs and video encoding solutions connected with ethernet and/or wi-fi. The Flightcell DZMx seamlessly manages the data traffic by prioritising terrestrial mobile networks for higher speed and lower cost and automatically switches to G6 for Iridium Certus 100 satellite services when outside 4G/LTE mobile network coverage.

“The uplink speeds of the G6 make it ideal for data transmission from aircraft for email applications, flight following and data monitoring, medical device data, images and compressed video,” says Guardian Mobility chief operating officer Stephane Momy. “We can also support the use of popular voice, text and video messaging apps such as WhatsApp and Signal.”

“Safety is the top priority for Bristow, and by integrating this advanced communication and tracking system, Bristow is reinforcing safety and the commitment to delivering efficient and reliable SAR operations in the challenging environments of the Norwegian North Sea,” adds Norway area manager Heidi Wulff Heimark.

“We are thrilled to partner with Bristow and support its SAR operations in Norway with our advanced communication solutions,” says Flightcell director of operations Hamish Neill. “The Flightcell DZMx and Guardian Mobility G6 Certus terminal are designed to meet the unique challenges faced by helicopter operators, providing robust connectivity and real-time data exchange to enhance operational efficiency and safety at an overall cost that is a game changer for helicopters.”

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